Electronic Device Shield


Electronic Device Shield  

The purpose of the shield is to maintain the balance of the body’s polarity and energy fields from low grade electro-magnetic radiation emitted from computers and household electrical devices such as Freezers, hair dryers and microwaves.

Simply peel off the sticky tape cover and attach to the device.


Within our personal environment we are all bombarded by electric and magnetic radiation, today such protection is available.  The unique Shield devices are Bio Gravity Field Amplifiers, been designed to protect you within the home and your personal environment from daily effects of destructive electrical pollution and magnetic forces which can alter human body polarity.

It has been designed to protect you from daily effects of continual electrical bombardment and will help you overcome altered body polarity states which may cause problems such as tension, frustration, headaches, apprehension, sleeplessness, or even pain.

The Life-shields system provides the cellular protection the body needs to vibrate at its optimal frequency.


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